Coastal Modelling

Coastal Modelling Services

Vatnaskil has been a leading consultant in Iceland for over 30 years in the field of hydrodynamic modelling and has participated in many projects around Iceland as well as abroad. Specific services provided by Vatnaskil include modelling tidal flow around structures, spreading of pollution, wave agitation in harbours, sediment transport and water quality. Vatnaskil has constructed detailed models of some of the most complex coastal areas in Iceland.

Vatnaskil has utilized its own proprietary modelling software AQUASEA which solves the shallow water flow and transport equations, as well as other leading hydrodynamic software, including DELFT-3D which is a state of the art open-source hydrodynamical modelling suite developed by Deltares. In addition, Vatnaskil has developed a range of computational tools to maximize efficiency in the model set-up process as well as to provide flexibility in delivering results specifically aimed at the client’s needs.

Services include

Tidal estuary modelling
Transformation of wind-generated waves
Harbour wave agitation
Sediment transport
Water quality
Effects of fjord crossings, breakwaters and other coastal structures

verkefni Kolgrafafjordur video
Simulation of tidal flow and oxygen concentration in Kolgrafafjörður - Basemap: Loftmyndir ehf

Featured Projects

Click project for details

Contaminant transport modelling from sewage outlets around Iceland

Water quality analysis/modelling of Kolgrafafjörður, Iceland

Tidal flow modelling in Gufudalssveit, Iceland